john golling

thinking out laud

laud  /lôd/
1.   Praise; acclaim; glorification.
2.  A hymn or song of praise.

thinking out LAUD?

Sometimes I like to “think out loud”.  Bouncing ideas around with a friend or in a group helps me to be more creative, and also provides feedback to help refine those ideas.

Like the psalmist, I want the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart to be pleasing to God.  I want my thoughts to be worship and praise that is directed toward my Creator.  In other words, I also hope to think out laud.  And that is what this website is all about.


on being Papa

There is nothing like being a grandparent. And there is nothing that has impacted my relationship with God more than being a Grandparent. 

One of my grandkids was going through a stage where she often ignored everyone except Nana, my wife. I would bring her gifts, read to her, play with her, and care for her. And without a second thought, she would disregard me in every way. She would not speak to me rudely or anything like that, she just simply ignored me at times. I was not hurt by this, because I understand the stages that kids go through, and I knew this behavior would soon be over. I determined to not worry about it, and simply went on as if I didn’t notice, continuing to give her love and attention and gifts, and waiting for her to grow out of it. I didn’t let it change how much I love her, and delight in her, because she is my precious granddaughter, and there is absolutely nothing could ever deter or diminish my love for her. Then it hit me. 

This is what God must feel like when I ignore Him. He gives me gifts and love and attention, and He shows up, wanting to engage with me, and I wander off and act as if He isn’t right there with me. He is not phased by it at all. He understands my immaturity and childish behavior, and He doesn’t let it deter Him from persisting in His love for me. He is determined to love me, no matter what. He is determined to bless me, regardless of how I act toward Him. 

Lord, when will I ever grow up? When will I recognize that You are right there, with me. With your relentless love and your impossibly persistent grace. I do recognize You, Lord. Now, I do. Thank You for not giving up on me. Thank You, Lord, for continuing to love me, even when I am an unaware of Your presence, and thankless of Your goodness, and even at times, oblivious of Your great love for me.