statement of belief abstract
I believe humans were created by God to bear His image, and this forms the foundation for understanding life, finding our place in history, and fulfilling our purpose in creation as people (Gen 1-2). Despite the entrance of sin into creation, God will accomplish His ultimate purpose through redemption and restoration (Col 1:15-20, Rev 21:1-4; 22:1-5). On an individual level, most people have experienced brokenness and suffered wounds in the context of relationship, and I believe God seeks to heal them within that context. Such healing is a sign and result of the Gospel (Luke 4:18-21, Eph. 2:14-18). Through Christ and the work of the Spirit, the believing community experiences reconciliation with God the Father and discovers the power of giving and receiving grace with one another (Matt. 6:14-15). Through God’s grace, human beings become transformed and rediscover their original vocation as image-bearers of the glory of God, stewards of His creation and co-regents of His Kingdom.
My role is to first seek a deeper experience of my identity as a child of God, then to live this out in sacrificial love and a redemptive exchange of grace in my relationships with my wife, family, neighborhood, the marginalized of society, and the community of believers. I am called by God to practice and share with others specific spiritual practices, biblical values and Christ-centered living, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to establish a climate of transformation, in which people are drawn to God’s love, healed by His power, and discover their identity and purpose as children of God, apprentices of Christ, and co-regents in His Kingdom.